Viewing GEO Files
To view a GEO file, the process is nearly identical as with PGF.
Replace post_samples with a fresh instance of the module because when we read different file types, there are many settings in post samples which can change:
Click on the Open button and browse to the Lithologic Geologic Modeling folder in Studio Projects and select railyard_pgf.geo.
Your viewer (after rotating) should show:
Your first question might be, why are the borings so short?
Welcome to the real world. In the last topic we were dealing with a site where the z-extent was comparable to the x & y extents. But for this site, the z extent is 5-10% of the x-y extent. In order to better see the Stratigraphy represented by our .GEO file, we need to apply some vertical exaggeration, which we also refer to as Z-Scale.
We find the Z-Scale parameter in one of 2 places. Either on the Home Tab
or in the Application Properties. To get to the Application Properties, double click on any blank space (not on a module or connection) in the Application.
Notice if we change it here, to be 5, it changes on the Home tab and in every module which has a Z-Scale. Our viewer now shows:
Please note: We could have changed the Z-Scale in post_samples, but by doing so, we would have broken its link to the Global Z-Scale on the Home tab and Application Properties. In general you want all modules to share the Global Z-Scale, but there are times when you want control on a module-by-module basis. That is why we allow both.